Beautification and Maintenance of Brooks Chase

Hello, Brooks Chase Residents!

While driving or strolling through the neighborhood, you may have noticed that several trees have been removed from our common areas on E. 131st and that our neighborhood’s gazebo is being repaired. These repairs are part of planned beautification projects funded by the City.

The City of Fishers has created a pilot Neighborhood Vibrancy Initiative to revitalize, enhance, and invest in key areas and neighborhoods throughout the city, and our neighborhood was selected for 2023. This initiative will allow us to plant trees in the common areas that are not as invasive and prone to splitting.

While the Board is working with the City of Fishers on these projects, we are also continuing to work with our management company, Sentry Management, and our landscaping contractor to complete other needed projects that are not a part of the Neighborhood Vibrancy Initiative. All of these new projects will help us continue to make Brooks Chase a place you are happy to call home.

Thank you,
Brooks Chase Homeowner’s Association Board of Directors